BEAUFOR Whole Grain Mustard 200g 法式芥茉子醬



  1. 塗抹在三明治或卷餅上:將全粒芥末作為三明治或卷餅的塗抹醬。其微辣的味道為熟肉、奶酪和蔬菜增添了美妙的風味。
  2. 沙拉醬:將全粒芥末與橄欖油、醋和其他調味料混合,製作出風味豐富的沙拉醬。它與綠色沙拉、穀物沙拉或土豆沙拉搭配得很好。
  3. 肉類調味醬:將全粒芥末作為配菜,搭配熟肉類,如火腿、烤牛肉或香腸。其質地和風味能與肉類的豐潤口感相得益彰。
  4. 提升芝士盤:將全粒芥末放在芝士盤上,作為各種芝士的配菜。其微辣的味道與芝士的豐潤風味形成了美妙的對比。

Whole grain mustard is a versatile condiment with a tangy flavor and a slightly coarse texture due to the whole mustard seeds included in the mix. Here are several ways to use it:

  • Spread on Sandwiches or Wraps: Use whole grain mustard as a spread on sandwiches or wraps. Its tangy flavor adds a delightful kick to deli meats, cheeses, and vegetables.
  • Dressing for Salads: Mix whole grain mustard with olive oil, vinegar, and other seasonings to create a flavorful salad dressing. It pairs well with green salads, grain salads, or potato salads.
  • Condiment for Meats: Serve whole grain mustard as a condiment alongside cooked meats, such as ham, roast beef, or sausages. Its texture and flavor complement the richness of the meat.
  • Enhance Cheese Platters: Include whole grain mustard on a cheese platter as a condiment alongside various cheeses. Its tangy flavor provides a nice contrast to the richness of the cheese.


BEAUFOR Whole Grain Mustard 200g

Additional information

Weight 200 g
