西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸【100g】Spanish Salami Extra Calibre


  • 西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸小吃:將西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸切成薄片,與橄欖、奶酪和酥脆的麵包一起作為小吃拼盤的一部分。為了變化,將臘腸片輕輕煎炸至酥脆。
  • 西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸海鮮飯:將切片或切丁的西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸加入到海鮮飯中,為其增添額外的風味層次。西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸的辛辣和煙燻味道與其他配料完美搭配。
  • 西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸土豆煎蛋:將切片的西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸加入到傳統的西班牙土豆煎蛋中,與土豆和洋蔥一起享用。這道飽滿的菜餚適合早餐、早午餐或作為小吃菜單的一部分。
  • 西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸三明治:將切片的西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸與奶酪、烤辣椒和蔬菜層層堆疊在麵包上,製成美味的三明治。將三明治烤或烤至金黃,享用溶化的奶酪和滿足的一餐。

Spanish salami is a flavorful cured sausage that adds a distinctive taste to various dishes. Here are some traditional ways to use Spanish salami:

  • Spanish Salami Tapas: Thinly slice Spanish salami and serve it as part of a tapas spread alongside olives, cheese, and crusty bread. For variation, lightly pan-fry the slices until crispy.
  • Paella with Spanish Salami: Incorporate sliced or diced Spanish salami into your paella for an extra layer of flavor. The spicy and smoky notes of Spanish salami complement the other ingredients beautifully.
  • Spanish Salami Tortilla: Add sliced Spanish salami to a traditional Spanish tortilla (potato omelette) along with potatoes and onions. Enjoy it as a hearty dish for breakfast, brunch, or as part of a tapas menu.
  • Spanish Salami Sandwiches: Layer sliced Spanish salami onto bread with cheese, roasted peppers, and greens for a flavorful sandwich. Grill or toast the sandwich for a melty and satisfying meal.



西班牙特級原味薩拉米臘腸 Spanish Salami Extra Calibre