油漬乾蕃茄 Dried tomatoes in oil 980g


  • 沙拉:乾蕃茄可以切片加入沙拉中,为菜肴增添丰富的风味和口感。它们在绿色沙拉、意大利面沙拉或谷物沙拉中都表现出色。
  • 意大利面菜肴:切碎乾蕃茄,加入意大利面菜肴中。它们特别搭配奶油意大利面酱或与橄榄油、大蒜和新鲜香草一起拌炒。
  • 三明治和卷:在三明治和卷中放上切片的乾蕃茄,增添风味。它们与马苏里拉奶酪、罗勒和烤蔬菜等配料搭配得很好。
  • 调味品:将重新泡发的乾蕃茄与橄榄油、大蒜和香草搅拌均匀,制成口味浓郁的酱料或酱。搭配面包、饼干,或作为烤肉或蔬菜的配料。
Dried tomatoes in oil are a versatile ingredient that can add rich, concentrated tomato flavor to a variety of dishes. Here are some ways to use them:
  • Salads: Dried tomatoes can be sliced and added to salads for a burst of flavor and texture. They work well in green salads, pasta salads, or grain salads.
  • Pasta Dishes: Chop dried tomatoes and add them to pasta dishes. They pair especially well with creamy pasta sauces or tossed with olive oil, garlic, and fresh herbs.
  • Sandwiches and Wraps: Layer sliced dried tomatoes onto sandwiches and wraps for added flavor. They pair nicely with ingredients like mozzarella, basil, and grilled vegetables.
  • Condiment: Puree rehydrated sun-dried tomatoes with olive oil, garlic, and herbs to make a flavorful spread or dip. Serve it with bread, crackers, or as a topping for grilled meats or vegetables.


油漬乾蕃茄 Dried tomatoes in oil 980g