茉莉黑墨魚直麵 Molisana Squid INK spaghetti 500g


  • 搭配海鮮:將茉莉黑墨魚直麵烹煮至「嚼勁」,然後與海鮮如蝦、魷魚或青口一起,在大蒜、橄欖油和白酒醬汁中拌炒。意大利麵會吸收醬汁的風味,同時與其深色形成美麗對比。
  • 奶油醬:將茉莉黑墨魚直麵配以像卡邦尼或奶油芝士醬一樣的奶油醬。醬汁的豐富口感能夠完美地搭配茉莉黑墨魚直麵微妙的海鮮風味。
  • 簡約準備:有時,茉莉黑墨魚直麵會簡單地以橄欖油、大蒜和灑上帕馬森芝士來享用,以突出其獨特的風味和顏色。

Squid ink spaghetti is a distinctive type of pasta infused with squid ink, giving it a striking black color and subtle seafood flavor. Squid ink spaghetti is made by incorporating squid ink into the pasta dough, resulting in a unique appearance and mild briny taste reminiscent of the sea. Here are ways to use Squid Ink Spaghetti:

  • Serving with Seafood: Cook squid ink spaghetti until al dente, then toss with seafood such as prawns, squid, or mussels in a garlic, olive oil, and white wine sauce. The pasta absorbs the flavors while contrasting beautifully with its dark color.
  • Creamy Sauces: Pair squid ink spaghetti with creamy sauces like carbonara or Alfredo. The richness of the sauce complements the subtle seafood flavor of the pasta.
  • Minimalist Preparation: Sometimes, squid ink spaghetti is served simply with olive oil, garlic, and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese to let its unique flavor and color stand out.