西西里粗海鹽1公斤 SALE IODATO Sicily Coarse Sea Salt 1kg



  • 調味肉類: 在烤或烤肉,如牛排、雞肉或魚之前,撒上粗鹽。鹽會增強肉類的風味,形成美味的外皮。
  • 調味菜餚: 作為菜餚,如沙拉、烤蔬菜或意大利麵的最後一道工序。在完成的菜餚上撒上一撮鹽,增添風味和脆脆的口感。
  • 裝飾雞尾酒杯: 使用粗鹽裝飾雞尾酒杯,如瑪格麗塔或血腥瑪麗。只需用青檸或水濕潤杯口,然後將其沾到一盤粗鹽中,製成一層鹹鹽,搭配飲料的口味。
  • 自製鹽調料: 通過將粗鹽與香草、香料或柑橘果皮混合製成自己的風味鹽調料。使用這些風味鹽調料調味菜餚,如烤肉、烤蔬菜或沙拉。

Using Sicilian coarse sea salt can add a unique flavor and texture to your dishes. Here are some ways to use it:

  • Seasoning meats: Sprinkle coarse sea salt over meats like steak, chicken, or fish before grilling or roasting. The salt will enhance the flavor of the meat and create a delicious crust.
  • Finishing dishes: Use coarse sea salt as a finishing touch for dishes like salads, roasted vegetables, or pasta. Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the finished dish to add a burst of flavor and a crunchy texture.
  • Rimming cocktail glasses: Use coarse sea salt to rim glasses for cocktails like margaritas or bloody marys. Simply moisten the rim of the glass with a lime wedge or water, then dip it into a plate of coarse sea salt to create a salty rim that complements the flavors of the drink.
  • Homemade salt blends: Create your own flavored salt blends by mixing coarse sea salt with herbs, spices, or citrus zest. Use these flavored salts to season dishes like grilled meats, roasted vegetables, or salads.



Sale Iodato Sicily Coarse Sea Salt 1kg