Asiago Pressato 阿西亞格起司 125g



  • 奶酪拼盤:在奶酪拼盤上擺放阿西亞格起司的片狀,搭配其他奶酪、腌製肉類、水果和堅果。它溫和的味道和綿滑的質地搭配各種陪伴食物。
  • 三明治:在三明治中使用阿西亞格起司為食物增添美味。將其與熟食、新鮮蔬菜和香醋或芥末等醬料搭配,可製作出風味豐富的三明治。
  • 融化:阿西亞格起司融化得非常美味,非常適合融化在比薩、意式三明治或漢堡等菜餚上。將其加到你最喜歡的菜餚上,增添濃郁的味道。
  • 沙拉:將阿西亞格起司切成小塊或刨成絲,在沙拉上撒上增添味道和口感。它與包含豐富蔬菜、堅果和乾果的沙拉搭配得很好。
  • 零食:享受阿西亞格起司作為零食,或與餅乾、橄欖和葡萄搭配,製作出簡單而令人滿意的小吃拼盤。
  • 烹飪:將阿西亞格起司加入到烹飪的菜餚中,如意大利麵、燉飯或湯中,增添奶香和奶酪的元素。它的溫和風味將增強整道菜的口感,而不會壓倒其他成分。

Perfect for those wanting a milder cheese that still delivers on flavour. Asiago has a smooth, supple texture with lots of scattered holes through-out, and a fresh, milky, lovely nutty flavour. It is also very popular with children. Here are some ways to use it:

  • Cheese Platter: Serve slices of Asiago Pressato on a cheese platter alongside other cheeses, cured meats, fruits, and nuts. Its mild flavor and creamy texture complement a variety of accompaniments.
  • Sandwiches: Use Asiago Pressato in sandwiches for a delicious twist. Pair it with deli meats, fresh vegetables, and spreads like pesto or mustard for a flavorful sandwich.
  • Melting: Asiago Pressato melts beautifully, making it perfect for melting over dishes like pizzas, paninis, or burgers. Add it to the top of your favorite dishes for a creamy and savory finish.
  • Salads: Cube or shred Asiago Pressato and sprinkle it over salads for added flavor and texture. It pairs well with salads featuring hearty greens, nuts, and dried fruits.
  • Snacking: Enjoy Asiago Pressato on its own as a snack, or pair it with crackers, olives, and grapes for a simple yet satisfying snack platter.
  • Cooking: Incorporate Asiago Pressato into cooked dishes like pasta, risotto, or soups to add a creamy and cheesy element. Its mild flavor will enhance the overall taste of the dish without overpowering other ingredients.
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Additional information

Weight 125 g