Fresh Cherry Tomato 500g (bag) 新鮮櫻桃蕃茄


  • 沙拉:將新鮮櫻桃蕃茄和新鮮的蔬菜、小黃瓜一起拌勻,加入您喜愛的醬汁,打造出色彩鮮艷、清新可口的沙拉。
  • 意大利麵:將新鮮櫻桃蕃茄切半,與大蒜和橄欖油一起煮熟,然後與煮熟的意大利麵和新鮮羅勒拌勻,即可簡單而美味的意式麵食。
  • 小食:將新鮮櫻桃蕃茄、水牛芝士球和羅勒葉串在一起,做成色彩繽紛、美味可口的開胃小點,加入義式香醋漿,增添風味。
Cherry tomatoes are small, round, and bursting with sweet, juicy flavor, making them perfect for a variety of dishes.
  • Salad: Toss cherry tomatoes with fresh greens, cucumbers, and your favorite dressing for a vibrant and refreshing salad.
  • Pasta: Halve cherry tomatoes and sauté them with garlic and olive oil, then toss them with cooked pasta and fresh basil for a simple yet flavorful pasta dish.
  • Appetizer: Skewer cherry tomatoes with mozzarella balls and basil leaves for a colorful and delicious appetizer, drizzle with balsamic glaze for extra flavor.

Additional information

Weight 500 g
