Italian Style Lardo – 100g 義式豬背脂



  • 薄片:像火腿一樣,義式豬背脂通常被切薄片,可以直接享用。將其放在冷盤拼盤或前菜盤上,與其他醃製肉類、乳酪、橄欖和麵包一同享用。
  • 包裹食物:使用薄片的義式豬背脂包裹著麵條棍、義式脆麵包或無花果或甜瓜等水果。豬背脂豐富的風味為水果的甜味或麵條棍的酥脆增添了一抹風味。
  • 烹飪:雖然義式豬背脂通常是生食,但也可以在烹飪中使用,為菜餚增添風味和水分。例如,您可以在烤肉或家禽之前在上面放上薄片的義式豬背脂,使肉保持濕潤,並增添風味。
  • 意大利麵醬:在平底鍋中煮小塊的義式豬背脂,使其釋放出脂肪,然後使用這些脂肪炒熟大蒜、洋蔥和其他香料來製作意大利麵醬。煮沸的義式豬背脂為醬汁增添了奢華的風味。
  • 調味:將義式豬背脂切碎或磨碎,用作調味劑,加入到意大利燉飯、湯或燉菜等菜餚中。它豐富的豬肉風味可以增強整體菜餚的口感。

Italian Style Lardo is from the back of a pig and has been used for centuries in Italian cuisine. Rather sliced thinly and added to cheese and charcuterie platters or used as a kind of garnish or finishing element. Here are some traditional and creative ways to use Italian lardo:

  • Thinly Sliced: Like prosciutto, Italian lardo is often thinly sliced and enjoyed as is. Serve it on a charcuterie board or antipasto platter alongside other cured meats, cheeses, olives, and bread.
  • Wrap Around Foods: Use thin slices of lardo to wrap around ingredients like breadsticks, grissini, or pieces of fruit such as figs or melon. The rich flavor of the lardo adds a savory touch to the sweetness of the fruit or the crunchiness of the breadsticks.
  • Cooking: While lardo is often enjoyed raw, it can also be used in cooking to impart flavor and moisture to dishes. For example, you can lay thin slices of lardo over meat or poultry before roasting to keep the meat moist and add richness to the flavor.
  • Pasta Sauce: Render small pieces of lardo in a pan to release its fat, then use that fat to sauté garlic, onions, and other aromatics for pasta sauce. The rendered lardo adds a luxurious depth of flavor to the sauce.
  • Flavoring: Finely chop or grate lardo and use it as a flavoring agent in dishes like risotto, soups, or stews. Its rich, porky flavor can enhance the overall taste of the dish.

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Weight 100 g
