L’AROMA Black peppercorn grinder 義大利黑胡椒研磨罐

Original price was: NT$260.Current price is: NT$115.


  • 磨碎調味:將新鮮研磨的胡椒粉用來調味湯、醬汁、肉類、海鮮或蔬菜。黑胡椒為菜餚增添了濃郁的辛辣味。
  • 腌料和醃漬:將碾碎的黑胡椒粒添加到肉類、家禽或魚類的腌料中,增添風味。您還可以將碾碎的黑胡椒粒與其他香料和草藥混合,製成乾式調味料,塗抹在烤肉或燒烤前。
  • 桌上調味料:將黑胡椒粒放入磨粉器中,用作桌上調味料,為熟食添加一抹風味。新鮮研磨的黑胡椒尤其適合用於沙拉、義大利麵和烤肉上。
  • 在湯和燉菜中:在烹調湯、燉菜或肉湯時,添加整顆黑胡椒粒,可以為菜餚注入微妙的辛辣味。胡椒粒在烹調過程中慢慢釋放其風味,使菜餚口感豐富。
  • 在烘焙中使用:黑胡椒可以用於某些烘焙食品中,如餅乾、餅乾或香料蛋糕,為食物增添一絲溫暖和複雜的風味。

Black peppercorns are a versatile spice that can enhance the flavor of various dishes. Here are some common ways to use black peppercorns:

  • Grinding for Seasoning: Use the freshly ground pepper to season soups, sauces, meats, seafood, or vegetables. Black pepper adds a robust, spicy flavor to dishes.
  • Marinades and Rubs: Add crushed black peppercorns to marinades for meats, poultry, or fish to infuse flavor. You can also create a dry rub by mixing crushed black peppercorns with other spices and herbs to coat meats before grilling or roasting.
  • Table Seasoning: Use them as a table seasoning to add a punch of flavor to cooked dishes. Freshly ground black pepper is particularly delicious on salads, pastas, and grilled meats.
  • In Soups and Stews: Add whole black peppercorns to soups, stews, or stocks during cooking to impart a subtle spicy flavor. The peppercorns release their flavor slowly as the dish cooks, resulting in a well-rounded taste.
  • In Baking: Black pepper can be used in certain baked goods, such as biscuits, crackers, or spice cakes, to add a hint of warmth and complexity to the flavor profile.


L’AROMA Black peppercorn grinder

Additional information

Weight 17 g
