MASCARPONE 500g 馬斯卡彭起司



  • 提拉米蘇:馬斯卡彭起司是這道經典意大利甜點的關鍵成分。將其與浸泡咖啡的手指餅乾、可可粉和一點朗姆酒或馬薩拉酒一起分層,製作出一道美味且濃鬱的甜點。
  • 甜點裝飾:將馬斯卡彭起司作為水果撻、派或煎餅等甜點的裝飾。加入少許蜂蜜或糖使其變甜,並搭配新鮮水果,製作出美味的甜點。
  • 意麪醬料:馬斯卡彭起司為意麪醬料增添了豐富的口感和奶香味。將其攪拌進番茄醬料中,使其變得柔滑,或者與香草和大蒜混合,製作出風味濃鬱的奶油醬。
  • 芝士蛋糕:在芝士蛋糕食譜中加入馬斯卡彭起司,使其質地更加細膩,味道略帶酸味。它適用於烘焙和無烘焙芝士蛋糕,為您的甜點增添奢華感。
  • 香味菜餚:在燴飯、土豆泥或奶油湯等菜餚中使用馬斯卡彭起司。其奶香味和溫和的味道與各種食材搭配得宜,為您的菜餚增添一抹優雅的色彩。

Mascarpone cheese is incredibly versatile and delicious, often used in both sweet and savory dishes. Here are five ways to use mascarpone:

  • Tiramisu: Mascarpone is a key ingredient in this classic Italian dessert. Layer it with coffee-soaked ladyfingers, cocoa powder, and a touch of rum or Marsala wine for a decadent and creamy dessert.
  • Dessert Toppings: Use mascarpone as a topping for desserts like fruit tarts, pies, or pancakes. Sweeten it with a bit of honey or sugar and pair it with fresh fruits for a delightful treat.
  • Pasta Sauces: Mascarpone adds richness and creaminess to pasta sauces. Stir it into tomato-based sauces for a velvety texture, or mix it with herbs and garlic for a flavorful Alfredo sauce.
  • Cheesecakes: Incorporate mascarpone into your cheesecake recipes for a creamier texture and a slightly tangy flavor. It works well in both baked and no-bake cheesecakes, adding a luxurious touch to your dessert.
  • Savory Dishes: Use mascarpone in savory dishes like risottos, mashed potatoes, or creamy soups. Its creamy texture and mild flavor complement a wide range of ingredients, adding a touch of elegance to your dishes.


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MASCARPONE 500g 馬斯卡彭起司

Additional information

Weight 125 g