L’AROMA Sage leaves dispenser 義大利鼠尾草香料罐

Original price was: NT$130.Current price is: NT$115.


  • 烹飪:將乾燥的鼠尾草葉添加到烤肉、家禽和蔬菜等菜餚中。鼠尾草尤其適合搭配豬肉、雞肉和南瓜菜餚。您也可以在家禽或肉類的餡料中加入鼠尾草。
  • 茶水浸泡:將新鮮的鼠尾草葉浸泡在熱水中,製成舒緩的草本茶。鼠尾草茶以其藥用功效而聞名,通常用於緩解喉嚨痛和消化問題。
  • 香草奶油:將切碎的鼠尾草葉與軟化的牛油混合,製成香草奶油。使用這種味道濃郁的奶油在烹飪過程中擦抹肉類,或者在麵包上塗抹作為美味的配菜。

Sage leaves have a robust flavor with hints of earthiness and mint. Here are some common ways to use them:

  • Cooking: Add dried sage leaves to dishes such as roasted meats, poultry, and vegetables. Sage pairs particularly well with pork, chicken, and squash dishes. You can also include sage in stuffings for poultry or meat.
  • Tea Infusions: Steep fresh sage leaves in hot water to make a soothing herbal tea. Sage tea is known for its medicinal properties and is often consumed to alleviate sore throats and digestive issues.
  • Herb Butter: Mix finely chopped sage leaves with softened butter to make herb butter. Use this flavored butter to baste meats while cooking or to spread on bread for a tasty accompaniment.


L’AROMA Sage Leaves Dispenser

Additional information

Weight 13 g
