Spanish Chorizo – ROJO 西班牙喬利佐原味紅臘腸 100g


  • 喬利佐小吃:將喬利佐切成薄片,與橄欖、奶酪和酥脆的麵包一起作為小吃拼盤的一部分。可選擇將片狀喬利佐輕微煎炸至酥脆,增添風味。
  • 西班牙海鮮飯:將切片或切丁的喬利佐加入到海鮮飯中,增添額外的風味。喬利佐的辣味和煙燻味與其他配料完美搭配。
  • 土豆喬利佐煎餅:將切片的喬利佐加入到傳統的土豆喬利佐煎餅中,與土豆和洋蔥一起享用。早餐、早午餐或作為小吃拼盤的一部分,皆適宜。
  • 喬利佐三明治:在麵包上鋪上切片的喬利佐,配上奶酪、烤辣椒和生菜,製作一款美味的三明治。將三明治烤或烤至金黃,味道更加美味可口。


Rojo Chorizo gets its name from the vibrant red color imparted by the use of smoked paprika. It is typically made with pork, paprika, garlic, and other spices. Rojo chorizo tends to be milder in flavor compared to Pamplona chorizo, with a rich smokiness from the paprika.
  • Chorizo Tapas: Thinly slice Spanish chorizo and serve it as part of a tapas spread with olives, cheese, and crusty bread. Optionally, lightly fry the slices until crispy for added flavor.
  • Paella with Chorizo: Incorporate sliced or diced Spanish chorizo into your paella for an extra burst of flavor. The spicy and smoky notes of chorizo complement the other ingredients beautifully.
  • Chorizo and Potato Tortilla: Add sliced Spanish chorizo to a traditional Spanish tortilla (potato omelette) along with potatoes and onions. Enjoy it for breakfast, brunch, or as part of a tapas menu.
  • Chorizo Sandwiches: Layer sliced Spanish chorizo on bread with cheese, roasted peppers, and greens for a flavorful sandwich. Grill or toast the sandwich for a melty and satisfying meal.
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Spanish Chorizo ROJO 西班牙喬利佐原味紅臘腸