TERRE DEL TRULLI Extra Virgin Intense Olive Oil 義大利冷壓初榨濃郁橄欖油 500ml


Multivarietale的愉悅和諧口味來自不同橄欖品種的明智和平衡組合:Cima di Mola、Leccino和Olivastra共同創造出口味均衡的橄欖油。其嗅覺特徵愉悅果香濃郁,苦杏仁的味道與輕微的辛辣調和在一起。無數食譜都基於這種油的美好,得益於其平衡的特性。因此,它在生食和烹飪中有許多食用方式。

The pleasantly harmonious taste of the Multivarietale comes from the wise and balanced combination of different olive types: Cima di Mola, Leccino and Olivastra come together to create oil with a balanced flavour. The olfactory profile is pleasantly fruity, the hints of bitter almond join the slightly spicy tones. Countless recipes are based on the goodness of this oil, thanks to the balance that features its profile. Therefore, there are many food applications, both raw and cooked.
