ZAROTTI Anchovy Paste 60g 小鯷魚抹醬



  • 在醬汁和沙拉醬中:將鰮魚醬加入到醬汁和沙拉醬中,如凱撒沙拉醬、普塔內斯卡醬或意粉醬中。它能增添豐富的風味和鹹味。
  • 在湯和燉菜中:在湯、燉菜和湯底中加入少量鰮魚醬,以增強鮮味。它尤其適合用於以魚為基礎的湯或蔬菜湯中。
  • 在比薩餅或扁麵包上:在比薩餅麵團或扁麵包上抹上一層薄薄的鰮魚醬,再添加其他配料。烘烤時,它會融化在麵團中,將整個比薩餅賦予獨特的風味。
  • 在意粉菜餚中:將鰮魚醬拌入意粉醬或將其與煮熟的意粉拌在一起,快速製作出美味的一餐。它與大蒜、番茄、橄欖和酸豆等意粉菜餚中的配料搭配得很好。
  • 在三明治或卷餅中:在三明治或卷餅上抹上一層薄薄的鰮魚醬,增添額外的風味。它與腌制肉類、奶酪和新鮮蔬菜搭配得很好。

This smooth anchovy paste is a traditional Italian product. Ideal for starters/appetisers, savoury snacks, seasoning cooked and raw vegetables or to give a touch of the sea to pasta dishes. Here are some common ways to use anchovy paste:

  • In Sauces and Dressings: Incorporate anchovy paste into sauces and dressings, such as Caesar salad dressing, puttanesca sauce, or pasta sauces. It adds depth of flavor and a salty kick.
  • In Soups and Stews: Add a small amount of anchovy paste to soups, stews, and broths to enhance the savory taste. It can be especially delicious in fish-based soups or vegetable soups.
  • On Pizza or Flatbreads: Spread a thin layer of anchovy paste on pizza dough or flatbreads before adding other toppings. It melts into the dough while baking, infusing the entire pizza with its distinctive flavor.
  • In Pasta Dishes: Stir anchovy paste into pasta sauces or toss it with cooked pasta for a quick and flavorful meal. It pairs well with garlic, tomatoes, olives, and capers in pasta dishes.
  • In Sandwiches or Wraps: Spread a thin layer of anchovy paste on sandwiches or wraps for an extra burst of flavor. It pairs well with cured meats, cheese, and fresh vegetables.


ZAROTTI Anchovy Paste 60g

Additional information

Weight 60 g
