義大利艾曼塔起司 Italian Emmental Cheese【125g】



  • 奶酪火鍋:義大利艾曼塔起司是傳統瑞士奶酪火鍋的關鍵成分。將其與格呂耶爾等其他奶酪一起融化,並加入白葡萄酒和大蒜,製作出豐富的蘸醬,可搭配麵包、蔬菜和肉類。
  • 三明治和熔化食物:在三明治或熔化食物中使用義大利艾曼塔起司片。它能很好地融化,並添加美味的堅果味。嘗試將其與火腿和芥末或火雞和蔓越莓搭配,獲得經典的組合。
  • 法式蛋餅和煎蛋餅:將切碎的義大利艾曼塔起司加入法式蛋餅、煎蛋餅或鹹派中,增添奶香和豐富的味道。它與菠菜、蘑菇和培根等食材搭配得很好。
  • 烤奶酪三明治:用義大利艾曼塔起司製作美味的烤奶酪三明治。將其夾在硬殼麪包片之間,並加入焦糖洋蔥、蘋果片或培根等其他配料,為經典美食帶來美味的變化。
  • 沙拉:在沙拉上撒上刨碎的義大利艾曼塔起司,增添風味和口感。它適用於菠菜或羽衣甘藍等厚實的綠葉蔬菜沙拉,也適用於加入蘋果或梨等水果的沙拉。

Emmental cheese, known for its nutty and slightly sweet flavor, is a versatile cheese that can be used in various ways. Here are five ways to use Emmental cheese:

  • Cheese Fondue: Emmental cheese is a key ingredient in traditional Swiss cheese fondue. Melt it with other cheeses like Gruyère and add white wine and garlic for a rich and flavorful dipping sauce for bread, vegetables, and meats.
  • Sandwiches and Melts: Use slices of Emmental cheese in sandwiches or melts. It melts beautifully and adds a deliciously nutty flavor. Try it with ham and mustard or turkey and cranberry for a classic combination.
  • Quiches and Frittatas: Add shredded Emmental cheese to quiches, frittatas, or savory pies for a creamy texture and rich flavor. It pairs well with ingredients like spinach, mushrooms, and bacon.
  • Grilled Cheese: Make a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich with Emmental cheese. Layer it between slices of crusty bread along with other ingredients like caramelized onions, apple slices, or bacon for a delicious twist on a classic favorite.
  • Salads: Sprinkle grated Emmental cheese over salads for added flavor and texture. It works well in salads with hearty greens like spinach or kale, as well as salads with fruits like apples or pears.


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義大利艾曼塔起司 Italian Emmental Cheese

Additional information

Weight 125 g