義式醋漬糯米椒(不辣) 1400g Citres Lombardia Pepper 1400g


  • 調味:將其用作各種菜餚的調味料,如烤雞、魚或蔬菜。在烹飪之前撒上一些,增添風味。
  • 沙拉醬:將義式醋漬糯米椒與橄欖油、檸檬汁和一點蜂蜜混合,製作美味的沙拉醬。將其淋在您喜愛的綠葉蔬菜上,製作清爽的沙拉。
  • 醃料:通過將義式醋漬糯米椒與大蒜、醬油和橄欖油混合來製作醃料。用您喜歡的蛋白質食物,如豆腐、蝦或牛排醃制,增添一絲刺激的味道。
  • 炒菜:在炒菜中添加義式醋漬糯米椒,增添額外的風味。它與青椒、西蘭花和豌豆等蔬菜搭配得很好。
  • 雞尾酒:將義式醋漬糯米椒用於調酒杯的邊緣,例如瑪格麗特酒或血腥瑪麗酒。它為經典雞尾酒增添了意想不到的風味。
Lombardia Pepper is a unique ingredient that combines citrusy and peppery flavors. Here are some ways you can use it:
  • Seasoning: Use it as a seasoning for various dishes such as grilled chicken, fish, or vegetables. Sprinkle it on before cooking for a burst of flavor.
  • Salad Dressing: Mix Lombardia Pepper with olive oil, lemon juice, and a touch of honey to create a delicious salad dressing. Drizzle it over your favorite greens for a refreshing salad.
  • Marinade: Create a marinade by combining Lombardia Pepper with garlic, soy sauce, and olive oil. Marinate your choice of protein such as tofu, shrimp, or steak for a zesty kick.
  • Stir-Fries: Add Lombardia Pepper to stir-fries for an extra layer of flavor. It pairs well with vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli, and snap peas.
  • Cocktails: Use Lombardia Pepper to rim cocktail glasses for drinks like margaritas or Bloody Marys. It adds an unexpected twist to classic cocktails.


義式醋漬糯米椒(不辣) Citres Lombardia Pepper