L’AROMA Green peppercorn dispenser 義大利綠胡椒罐



  • 在醬料中:將整顆或碾碎的綠胡椒粒加入到奶油醬中,例如胡椒醬或綠胡椒醬,用於牛排或家禽菜餚。胡椒粒能夠為醬料注入獨特的風味,並提供微妙的辣味。
  • 在炒菜和咖哩中:在炒菜或咖哩中添加整顆或碾碎的綠胡椒粒,能夠為菜餚帶來豐富的風味和溫和的辣味。它們能夠和其他配料相得益彰,並為整體的口感增添複雜性。
  • 在沙拉中:在沙拉上撒上碾碎的綠胡椒粒,能夠帶來微妙的胡椒風味。它們可以為綠色沙拉或穀物沙拉增添一絲清新的風味。
  • 在奶油菜餚中:將碾碎的綠胡椒粒拌入像馬鈴薯泥或意大利麵醬等奶油菜餚中,可以增添一層額外的風味。它們能夠很好地與奶油醬的濃郁口感相配,並增添微妙的胡椒味。
Green peppercorns are often milder and more delicate in flavor compared to black peppercorns. Here are some common ways to use green peppercorns:
  • In Sauces: Add whole or crushed green peppercorns to creamy sauces, such as peppercorn sauce or green peppercorn sauce for steak or poultry dishes. The peppercorns infuse the sauce with their unique flavor and provide a subtle spicy kick.
  • In Stir-Fries and Curries: Add whole or crushed green peppercorns to stir-fries or curries for a burst of flavor and mild heat. They complement the other ingredients in the dish and add complexity to the overall flavor profile.
  • In Salads: Sprinkle crushed green peppercorns over salads for a subtle peppery flavor. They can add a refreshing twist to green salads or grain salads.
  • In Creamy Dishes: Stir crushed green peppercorns into creamy dishes like mashed potatoes or pasta sauces for an added layer of flavor. They pair well with the richness of creamy sauces and add a subtle peppery note.


L’AROMA Green peppercorn dispenser


重量 17 公克
