Provola Affumicata 煙燻普佛拉起司 200g


  • 烤起司三明治:將煙燻普佛拉起司切片,夾在硬皮面包片之間。烤至奶酪融化,面包變得金黃酥脆,製成香味濃郁的煙燻起司三明治。
  • 意式烤麵食:將煙燻普佛拉起司切成小塊,加入烤通心粉或千層麵等意式麵食中。其煙燻風味與番茄醬和香草搭配,為菜餚增添深度。
  • 開胃菜拼盤:在開胃菜拼盤上擺放煙燻普佛拉起司片,搭配腌製肉類、橄欖和烤蔬菜。其濃郁的風味與地中海風味相得益彰,是一道誘人的開胃菜。

Provola Affumicata is a traditional Italian cheese renowned for its smoky flavor and semi-soft texture. It originates from southern Italy and is commonly smoked using natural wood chips, imparting a distinctive aroma. Here are three delicious ways to use it:

  • Grilled Cheese Sandwich: Slice Provola Affumicata and layer it between slices of crusty bread. Grill until the cheese melts and the bread is toasted, creating a savory and smoky sandwich.
  • Pasta Bake: Cube Provola Affumicata and mix it into pasta dishes like baked ziti or lasagna. Its smoky flavor adds depth to the dish when combined with tomato sauce and herbs.
  • Antipasto Platter: Serve slices of Provola Affumicata on an antipasto platter with cured meats, olives, and roasted vegetables. Its robust flavor pairs well with other Mediterranean flavors and makes for an enticing appetizer.
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重量 125 公克