義式風乾原味臘腸【100g】Salami Original


  • 前菜拼盤:盡情享受我們豐富多彩的前菜拼盤,薄切義式風乾原味臘腸與其他各式腌製肉類、奶酪、橄欖和醃製蔬菜一起搭配,配上酥脆麵包,是您餐前的完美選擇。
  • 三明治和捲餅:品嚐我們的三明治或捲餅,薄切義式風乾原味臘腸與奶酪、生菜、番茄,再加上您喜歡的芥末或美乃滋等調味品,美味又滿足,適合快速小吃。
  • 比薩配料:將薄切或切丁的義式風乾原味臘腸作為比薩的配料,不論是自製還是我們的菜單中的一款,將臘腸與蘑菇、辣椒、洋蔥和奶酪結合在一起,提升比薩的風味。
  • 意大利面和沙拉:在我們的意大利面菜餚中品嚐切碎的義式風乾原味臘腸,如經典的碳拿破或辣味筆管意大利麵。您也可以將其加入沙拉中,為沙拉增添咸香風味。
  • 冷盤拼盤:品嚐我們的冷盤拼盤,整條或薄切的義式風乾原味臘腸與各種肉類、奶酪、水果、堅果和餅乾一起呈現,自由搭配,打造獨特組合,讓您愉悅無窮。

Salami is a versatile and flavorful cured sausage that adds depth to various dishes. Here are some popular ways to savor salami:

  • Antipasto Platter: Indulge in our vibrant antipasto platter featuring thinly sliced salami, alongside an array of other cured meats, cheeses, olives, and marinated vegetables. Served with crusty bread, it’s a perfect start to your meal.
  • Sandwiches and Wraps: Dive into our sandwiches or wraps layered with sliced salami, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and your choice of condiments like mustard or mayonnaise. A delicious and satisfying option for a quick bite.
  • Pizza Topping: Elevate your pizza experience by adding sliced or diced salami as a topping. Whether it’s a homemade creation or one from our menu, combining salami with mushrooms, peppers, onions, and cheese enhances its flavor profile.
  • Pasta and Salads: Enjoy the savory kick of chopped salami in our pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara or penne arrabbiata. You can also toss it into our salads for a salty and flavorful twist.
  • Charcuterie Boards: Delight in our charcuterie boards featuring whole salami or sliced salami alongside an assortment of meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts, and crackers. Customize your board and create your own delightful combinations.


義式風乾原味臘腸 Salami