DRY PORCINI Mushroom 50g 義大利乾燥牛肝菌菇



  • 再水泡:在使用乾牛肝菌前,您需要將其再次浸泡。將蘑菇放入碗中,用熱水覆蓋。讓它們浸泡約20-30分鐘,直到變軟且蓬鬆。一旦再次水泡,瀝乾蘑菇並擠出多餘的水分。保留浸泡液,因為它充滿了味道,可以用作湯或醬料中的蘑菇湯底。
  • 烹飪:再次水泡的牛肝菌可以用於各種菜餚中。將它們添加到意大利燉飯、意大利麵醬、湯、燉菜或肉汁中,以賦予它們濃郁的大地風味。它們尤其適合與奶油醬、野味、家禽和牛肉菜餚搭配。
  • 煎炒:用橄欖油或黃油煎炒再次水泡的牛肝菌,加入大蒜、青蔥和香料,製作出美味的配菜或配料。它們還可以煎炒並作為牛排、漢堡或烤蔬菜的配料。
  • 餡料:將再次水泡的牛肝菌用作家禽、蘑菇或蔬菜餡料的成分。它們濃郁的味道會為餡料混合物增添層次感。

Dry porcini mushrooms are prized for their intense flavor and aroma. Here are some common ways to use them:

  • Rehydrate: Before using dry porcini mushrooms in recipes, you need to rehydrate them. Place the mushrooms in a bowl and cover them with hot water. Let them soak for about 20-30 minutes until they become soft and plump. Once rehydrated, drain the mushrooms and squeeze out any excess water. Reserve the soaking liquid, as it’s full of flavor and can be used as a mushroom broth in soups or sauces.
  • Cooking: Rehydrated porcini mushrooms can be used in various dishes. Add them to risottos, pasta sauces, soups, stews, or gravies to impart their rich, earthy flavor. They pair particularly well with creamy sauces, wild game, poultry, and beef dishes.
  • Sautéing: Sauté rehydrated porcini mushrooms with garlic, shallots, and herbs in olive oil or butter for a flavorful side dish or topping. They can also be sautéed and served as a topping for steaks, burgers, or roasted vegetables.
  • Stuffing: Use rehydrated porcini mushrooms as an ingredient in stuffings for poultry, mushrooms, or vegetables. Their intense flavor will add depth to the stuffing mixture.


DRY PORCINI Mushroom 50g


重量 50 公克
