ELENA 1912 Aceto Balsamico di Modena 200mL 陳年巴薩米可醋


當木材的溫暖芳香與熟葡萄汁的甜美味道引領您踏上發現真正卓越的摩德納陳年巴薩米克醋的旅程時,我們最精緻的家族傳承結晶——ELENA1912,將慶祝我們的起源、我們的歷程,以及最重要的——Monari Federzoni品牌的創始人Elena Monari。

Let the warm fragrance of wood and the sweet flavour of cooked grape must lead you on a journey to discover a truly outstanding Aged Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. The fruit of our most refined family tradition, ELENA1912 celebrates our origins, our journey, and above all, Elena Monari, the founder of the Monari Federzoni brand.