GUSTO- Orecchiette 貓耳朵義大利麵 500g/bag



  • 貓耳朵義大利麵配西蘭花和意式香腸:將貓耳朵義大利麵煮至“嚼勁”,然後與炒過的意式香腸和西蘭花花梗一起拌勻。加入大蒜、紅辣椒片和帕瑪森芝士調味。
  • 貓耳朵義大利麵配青醬和櫻桃番茄:將煮熟的貓耳朵義大利麵與自製或現成的青醬拌勻。加入切半的櫻桃番茄,撒上帕瑪森芝士和新鮮羅勒葉作為裝飾。
  • 奶油蘑菇貓耳朵義大利麵:用大蒜和干蔥炒香蘑菇,然後加入白葡萄酒炖煮至收汁。倒入奶油,煨煮至稍微濃稠,加鹽、胡椒和百里香調味。將煮熟的貓耳朵義大利麵與奶油蘑菇混合,撒上帕瑪森芝士作為點綴。
Orecchiette is a traditional Italian pasta variety that translates to “little ears” due to its unique shape, resembling small concave disks. It originates from the region of Puglia in southern Italy and is typically made from durum wheat semolina.
  • Orecchiette with Broccoli and Sausage: Cook orecchiette until al dente, then toss with sautéed Italian sausage and broccoli florets. Season with garlic, red pepper flakes, and Parmesan cheese.
  • Orecchiette with Pesto and Cherry Tomatoes: Toss cooked orecchiette with homemade or store-bought pesto sauce. Add halved cherry tomatoes, and garnish with Parmesan and fresh basil.
  • Creamy Mushroom Orecchiette: Sauté mushrooms with garlic and shallots, then add white wine and reduce. Pour in cream, simmer until thickened, and season with salt, pepper, and thyme. Toss with cooked orecchiette and top with Parmesan.