Jambon de Bayonne 法國拜雍火腿 100g



  • 開胃菜拼盤:將拜雍火腿切成薄片,搭配起司、橄欖和麵包,作為優雅的開胃小吃。
  • 三明治:將拜雍火腿片層疊在三明治或法棍麵包中,加上起司、生菜和番茄,打造美味的午餐選擇。
  • 烹飪用途:在烹飪中使用拜雍火腿,例如製作奶酪批、煎蛋餅或義大利燉飯,以增添風味。其鹹香的特性能夠豐富各種料理的味道。

Bayonne Ham is a renowned type of dry-cured ham from the Béarn region of France. It is known for its delicate flavor and slightly salty taste, achieved through a traditional curing process involving salt and air-drying. Here are three ways to use Bayonne Ham:

  • Charcuterie Board: Serve thinly sliced Bayonne Ham alongside cheeses, olives, and bread for an elegant appetizer or snack.
  • Sandwiches: Layer slices of Bayonne Ham in sandwiches or baguettes with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes for a delicious lunch option.
  • Cooking: Use Bayonne Ham in cooking to add depth of flavor to dishes such as quiches, omelets, or pasta carbonara. Its savory profile complements various ingredients and dishes beautifully.