LA MARCHESA Mozzarella di Bufala Campana 125g 水牛莫札瑞拉新鮮軟乾酪 125g



  • 卡普雷塞沙拉:將水牛櫻桃莫札瑞拉起司切片與新鮮番茄和羅勒葉結合在一起。淋上橄欖油,撒上鹽和胡椒,享受乳酪的奶油質地和濃郁的風味,同時感受到番茄的甜美和羅勒的芳香。
  • 披薩配料:在披薩上添加水牛櫻桃莫札瑞拉起司的薄片或塊。當烘烤時,其奶油質地會美麗地融化,形成一層豐富的披薩餡料。
  • 法式三明治:將水牛櫻桃莫札瑞拉起司的薄片加入到您的法式三明治中。與番茄、帕爾馬火腿或青醬等配料搭配,營造出美味的風味組合。
  • 意大利麵菜餚:撕成或切成小塊的水牛櫻桃莫札瑞拉起司加入到意大利麵菜餚中,如意大利麵或通心粉中。熱湯中的熱度會輕輕融化奶酪,形成一層濃郁的醬汁覆蓋在麵條上。
  • 前菜拼盤:將水牛櫻桃莫札瑞拉起司的切片放在前菜拼盤上,搭配醃製肉類、橄欖和硬面包。其奶油質地和溫和的風味完美地襯托出拼盤中其他元素的風味。

Made only from the milk of water buffalos, Mozarella Bufala is a fresh, soft, semi-elastic textured cheese. Have a refreshingly delicate and creamy aroma. Here are five ways to use Mozzarella Bufala:

  • Caprese Salad: Combine slices of Mozzarella Bufala with fresh tomatoes and basil leaves. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and enjoy the creamy texture and rich flavor of the cheese alongside the sweetness of the tomatoes and the aroma of the basil.
  • Pizza Topping: Add slices or chunks of Mozzarella Bufala as a topping for pizza. Its creamy texture melts beautifully when baked, creating a luscious layer over the pizza.
  • Panini and Sandwiches: Incorporate slices of Mozzarella Bufala into your panini or sandwiches. Pair it with ingredients like tomatoes, prosciutto, or pesto for a delightful combination of flavors.
  • Pasta Dishes: Tear or dice Mozzarella Bufala and add it to pasta dishes such as spaghetti or penne. The heat from the pasta will gently melt the cheese, creating a creamy sauce that coats the noodles.
  • Antipasto Platter: Serve slices of Mozzarella Bufala on an antipasto platter alongside cured meats, olives, and crusty bread. Its creamy texture and mild flavor complement the other elements of the platter perfectly.
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