L’AROMA Crushed chili dispenser 350g 義大利碎辣椒罐(大)



  • 在烹飪中:在烹飪過程中加入碎辣椒,如湯、燉菜、咖哩、炒菜和醬料中。它均勻地分散在整道菜中,使其充滿熱量和風味。
  • 作為調味料:在即將上菜時,撒上碎辣椒,為菜餚增添一抹辛辣。它適用於披薩、意大利面、沙拉、烤肉和烤蔬菜等菜餚。
  • 用於腌料和調味料:將碎辣椒與其他香料、草藥和油混合,製成肉類、家禽、海鮮或豆腐的腌料和調味料。讓這些材料浸泡一段時間,以便味道滲透。
  • 用於醬汁和蘸料:將碎辣椒拌入蘸料、醬汁、莎莎醬和沙拉醬中,增添一層額外的辣味和風味。它能為酪梨醬、莎莎醬、鷹嘴豆泥和辣味美乃滋增添深度。
  • 用於小吃上:在爆米花、堅果、薯片或烤鷹嘴豆等小吃上撒上碎辣椒,為您喜愛的零食增添一絲辣味。它能為您最喜愛的小吃帶來驚喜。

Crushed chili is a versatile spice that adds heat and flavor to various dishes. Here are some common ways to use crushed chili:

  • In Cooking: Add crushed chili to dishes while cooking, such as soups, stews, curries, stir-fries, and sauces. It disperses evenly throughout the dish, infusing it with heat and flavor.
  • As a Seasoning: Sprinkle crushed chili over finished dishes just before serving to add a spicy kick. It works well on pizza, pasta, salads, grilled meats, and roasted vegetables.
  • In Marinades and Rubs: Mix crushed chili with other spices, herbs, and oil to create marinades and rubs for meats, poultry, seafood, or tofu. Let the ingredients marinate for a while to allow the flavors to penetrate.
  • In Dips and Sauces: Stir crushed chili into dips, sauces, salsas, and dressings for an extra layer of heat and flavor. It adds depth to guacamole, salsa, hummus, and spicy mayo.
  • On Snacks: Sprinkle crushed chili over snacks like popcorn, nuts, potato chips, or roasted chickpeas for a spicy twist. It adds excitement to your favorite munchies.



重量 17 公克
