Mimolette Extra Viellie 18 months 法國老米莫雷特起司18個月 125g


  • 奶酪拼盤:將米莫雷特起司搭配在奶酪拼盤上,搭配如硬麪包、葡萄和核桃等配料。其堅果味和略帶鹹味的特點,與甜品和鹹味元素搭配得宜。
  • 焗烤菜餚:將米莫雷特起司磨碎撒在焗烤菜餚上,如焗土豆或焗花菜。其豐富的味道能夠完美融化,爲菜餚增添深度和金黃色。
  • 三明治:將米莫雷特起司片用於三明治中,特別是搭配火腿或莎拉米等醃肉。可以搭配芥末或無花果醬,提升美食體驗。

Mimolette is a French cheese known for its distinctive orange hue and firm texture, originating from Lille in northern France. Here are three delicious ways to use it:

  • Cheese Board: Serve Mimolette on a cheese board with accompaniments like crusty bread, grapes, and walnuts. Its nutty and slightly salty flavor pairs well with sweet and savory elements.
  • Gratin: Grate Mimolette over gratin dishes such as potatoes au gratin or cauliflower gratin. Its rich flavor melts beautifully, adding depth and a golden color to the dish.
  • Sandwiches: Use slices of Mimolette in sandwiches, particularly with cured meats like ham or salami. Pair it with mustard or a fig spread for a gourmet touch.
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