L’AROMA Oregano Sicily Bunch 義大利奧勒崗葉束



  • 烹飪:將乾燥的西西里牛至葉添加到醬料、湯、燉菜和腌料中增添風味。它們在地中海菜餚中表現良好,如意大利麵醬、比薩醬和番茄基礎的菜餚。
  • 香草混合物:將乾燥的西西里牛至葉與其他乾燥香草如羅勒、百里香和迷迭香混合,創造出用於調味肉類、家禽和蔬菜的香草混合物。
  • 烘焙:將乾燥的西西里牛至葉添加到麵包麵團或比薩麵團中增添風味。它們也可以在烘焙前撒在意大利扁麵包或扁餅上。
  • 浸泡:將乾燥的西西里牛至葉浸泡在熱水中製成美味的草本茶。牛至茶被認為具有藥用功效,可能有助於消化和呼吸道問題。

Dried Sicilian oregano leaves are aromatic and flavorful, making them a versatile herb in cooking. Here are some common ways to use them:

  • Cooking: Add dried Sicilian oregano leaves to sauces, soups, stews, and marinades for added flavor. They work well in Mediterranean dishes like pasta sauces, pizza sauces, and tomato-based dishes.
  • Herb Blends: Combine dried Sicilian oregano leaves with other dried herbs like basil, thyme, and rosemary to create herb blends for seasoning meats, poultry, and vegetables.
  • Baking: Add dried Sicilian oregano leaves to bread dough or pizza dough for added flavor. They can also be sprinkled over focaccia or flatbreads before baking.
  • Infusions: Steep dried Sicilian oregano leaves in hot water to make a flavorful herbal tea. Oregano tea is believed to have medicinal properties and may help with digestion and respiratory issues.


L’AROMA Oregano Sicily Bunch


重量 8 公克
