L’AROMA Chives dispenser 義大利蝦夷蔥香料罐



  • 烹飪:在烹飪過程中,將蝦夷蔥撒入湯、燉菜、醬汁和烤菜中,使其充滿洋蔥的風味。它們在土豆湯、烤土豆和奶油醬等菜餚中表現出色。
  • 裝飾:將蝦夷蔥用作菜餚的裝飾,為其增添色彩和風味。在炒蛋、沙拉、土豆泥或魔鬼蛋上撒上一些,然後在上菜前享用。
  • 沾醬和醬料:將蝦夷蔥混入酸奶油、酸奶、奶油乳酪或美乃滋中,製成美味的沾醬和醬料。它們添加了一絲細膩的洋蔥味,與薯片、餅乾或新鮮蔬菜搭配得很好。
  • 茶水浸泡:將蝦夷蔥浸泡在熱水中,製成簡單的蔥茶。雖然蔥茶不像其他草本茶那樣常見,但人們認為它具有一定的健康益處,包括幫助消化。

Dried chives are a convenient way to add a mild onion flavor to dishes without the hassle of chopping fresh chives. Here are some common ways to use them:

  • Cooking: Sprinkle dried chives into soups, stews, sauces, and casseroles during cooking to infuse them with onion flavor. They work well in dishes like potato soup, baked potatoes, and creamy sauces.
  • Garnish: Use dried chives as a garnish for finished dishes to add a pop of color and flavor. Sprinkle them over scrambled eggs, salads, mashed potatoes, or deviled eggs just before serving.
  • Dips and Spreads: Mix dried chives into sour cream, yogurt, cream cheese, or mayonnaise to make flavorful dips and spreads. They add a subtle onion flavor that pairs well with chips, crackers, or fresh vegetables.
  • Tea Infusions: Steep dried chives in hot water to make a simple chive tea. While not as common as other herbal teas, chive tea is believed to have some health benefits, including aiding digestion.


L’AROMA Chives dispenser


重量 17 公克
