RODOLFI Finely Chopped Tomato 400g 義大利碎蕃茄丁罐(小)


  • 醬料基礎:先炒洋蔥和大蒜,然後加入義大利碎蕃茄丁罐,製作出口感豐富的意大利麵或披薩醬。
  • 番茄莎莎醬:將義大利碎蕃茄丁罐與洋蔥、香菜、青檸汁和辣椒一起混合,製作出清新的莎莎醬,作為沾醬。
  • 義式烤麵包配料:將義大利碎蕃茄丁罐與羅勒、大蒜和橄欖油混合,然後舀在烤麵包片上,製作經典的意大利開胃菜。

Finely chopped tomatoes are small pieces of tomato flesh, often canned or fresh, offering a versatile base for various dishes. Here are three ways to use them:

  • Sauce Base: Sauté onions and garlic, then add finely chopped tomatoes to create a flavorful pasta or pizza sauce.
  • Salsa Fresca: Combine finely chopped tomatoes with onions, cilantro, lime juice, and jalapeños for a fresh salsa dip.
  • Bruschetta Topping: Mix finely chopped tomatoes with basil, garlic, and olive oil, then spoon onto toasted bread slices for a classic Italian appetizer.


重量 400 公克
