Spanish Chorizo – Pamplona 西班牙潘普洛納原味紅臘腸 100g



  • 烤或煎炸:將潘普洛納原味紅臘腸切片,放在燒烤架上烤或在平底鍋中煎炸至金黃色。這樣可以使紅臘腸外皮變得酥脆,而內部仍然保持多汁。
  • 炒:將潘普洛納原味紅臘腸切碎,與一些油、洋蔥、大蒜和香料一起放入熱鍋中炒煮。這樣可以釋放紅臘腸的風味,並用於製作意大利面、燉飯或炒飯等菜餚。
  • 作為配料:將潘普洛納原味紅臘腸作為配料加入到各種菜餚中。它可添加到湯、燉菜、烘焙菜或煎蛋卷中,為菜餚增添風味。
  • 冷盤拼盤:將切片的潘普洛納原味紅臘腸放在冷盤拼盤上,與其他肉類、奶酪、水果、堅果和餅乾一起供應。這使得客人可以在多樣的前菜中享受紅臘腸的美味。

Chorizo Pamplona is typically made from coarsely ground pork seasoned with garlic, paprika, and other spices. Pamplona chorizo is known for its bold flavor and slightly spicy kick. It may also contain chunks of fat for added richness.

  • Grilling or Pan-Frying: Slice the Pamplona chorizo and grill it on a barbecue or pan-fry it until golden brown. This will give the chorizo a crispy exterior while keeping the inside juicy.
  • Sautéing: Chop the Pamplona chorizo and sauté it in a hot pan with some oil, along with onions, garlic, and spices. This releases the flavor of the chorizo and can be used to make dishes like pasta, risotto, or fried rice.
  • As an Ingredient: Incorporate Pamplona chorizo into various dishes as an ingredient. It can be added to soups, stews, casseroles, or omelets for an extra burst of flavor.
  • Charcuterie Board: Serve sliced Pamplona chorizo on a charcuterie board alongside other meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts, and crackers. This allows guests to enjoy the chorizo as part of a diverse selection of appetizers.


Spanish Chorizo – Pamplona