西班牙去皮塞拉諾火腿18個月【100g】Spanish Serrano Ham 18 months


去皮塞拉諾火腿(jamón serrano),是由豬後腿製成的西班牙風乾鹽腌火腿。它經過鹽腌並風乾數月,味道豐富,外觀大理石般。18個月陳年的去皮塞拉諾火腿比較短時間腌製的火腿具有更加濃郁和豐富的風味,口感更加堅實。
  • 冷盤拼盤:將薄切的去皮塞拉諾火腿與其他腌製肉類、意大利奶酪、水果、堅果和餅乾一起展示。
  • 塔帕斯菜品:在經典的西班牙塔帕斯菜品中使用去皮塞拉諾火腿,如“Pan con Tomate”。
  • 沙拉提升:將切碎或切薄的去皮塞拉諾火腿添加到新鮮的沙拉中,配以蔬菜、番茄、甜瓜或無花果。
  • 三明治升級:將去皮塞拉諾火腿與馬其頓或布里等奶酪、烤辣椒、芝麻菜和橄欖油一起加入三明治。
  • 烹飪添加:將切碎的去皮塞拉諾火腿加入煎蛋、意大利面或燉飯中,增添豐富的風味。

Serrano ham, or jamón serrano, is a dry-cured Spanish ham made from the hind legs of pigs. It’s seasoned with salt and air-dried for months, resulting in a rich flavor and marbled appearance. 18 month aged Serrano Ham has a more robust and flavorful ham with deeper and richer flavor notes and a firmer texture compared to shorter curing time hams.

  • Charcuterie Board: Showcase thinly sliced serrano ham alongside other cured meats, Italian cheeses, fruits, nuts, and crackers.
  • Tapas Feature: Use serrano ham in classic Spanish tapas like “Pan con Tomate.”
  • Salad Enhancement: Add chopped or thinly sliced serrano ham to fresh salads with greens, tomatoes, melons, or figs.
  • Sandwich Upgrade: Layer serrano ham on sandwiches with cheeses like Manchego or brie, roasted peppers, arugula, and olive oil.
  • Cooking Addition: Incorporate diced serrano ham into omelets, pasta, or risotto for rich flavor.


Spanish Serrano Ham