Gran Moravia Grattugiato 格蘭摩拉維亞起司粉 100g
起司粉是一種硬質、顆粒狀的奶酪,具有濃烈而堅果般的味道。通常至少陳年12個月,使其味道濃厚且質地鬆脆。 三種流行的帕爾馬乾酪使用方法:
- 撒在義大利麵上:將新鮮磨碎的起司粉撒在熱的義大利麪菜餚上,如義大利麵條、奶油義大利麵或義式土豆麪團。乾酪稍微融化,爲菜餚增添了豐富和深度的味道。
- 放入沙拉中:用蔬菜刨刀將起司粉刨成薄片,撒在沙拉中,如羅勒沙拉或羽衣甘藍沙拉。它與綠色蔬菜如芝麻菜或羽衣甘藍相配,增加了鹹味的對比。
- 作爲澆頭:將起司粉作爲湯的澆頭,如義大利蔬菜湯或番茄羅勒湯。其濃烈的味道提升了整體口感,並在麵包塊或麵包丁上撒上,增添了脆脆的口感。
Parmesan cheese is a hard, granular cheese with a sharp and nutty flavor. It’s typically aged for at least 12 months, which enhances its robust taste and crumbly texture.
Three popular ways to use Parmesan cheese:
- Grated over pasta: Sprinkle freshly grated Parmesan over hot pasta dishes like spaghetti, fettuccine alfredo, or gnocchi. The cheese melts slightly, adding richness and depth to the dish.
- In salads: Shave Parmesan cheese into thin strips using a vegetable peeler and toss it into salads for a burst of flavor. It complements greens like arugula or kale, adding a salty contrast.
- As a topping: Use Parmesan as a topping for soups, such as minestrone or tomato basil soup. Its intense flavor enhances the overall taste and provides a crunchy texture when sprinkled over croutons or bread.